3932 Only an Et or Null Statement Is Legal after a Ddl Statement
By clicking «Sign up for GitHub», you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We will occasionally send you account-related emails. Thank you Serge-Rider. I tried to pack the instructions with BT and ET and tried to enable and disable auto-validation. Neither solution worked. I was able to run it on Aqua Data Studio after changing a setting to; recognized as instruction delimiter (vs. / what has been set by default). I also tried to play with the parameters of the instruction delimiter as well as in DBeaver without success. I`m trying to create a SQL script that has two statements: 1) Call a procedure that deletes a table if it exists 2) Creating a new table is an MS-specific syntax that is not supported in Teradata. #2: Which client do you use to submit this SQL CODE? In Teradata, a DDL statement must be validated before you can do anything else, so you may need to add COMMIT depending on your session mode (and a possible AutoCommit in your client). or ET; after create. Finally, you do not specify a primary index, so it is likely that the 1st column BNK_NUM will be used by default, which can lead to incorrect distribution. Check the following: community.teradata.com/t5/Database/3932-Only-an-ET-or-null-statement-is-legal-after-a-DDL-Statement/td-p/48258 I get «[Error 3932] [SQLState 25000] A single AND or NULL statement is legal after a DDL statement.» which indicates that DSS sends the statements as a request to multiple statements rather than as a single-statement request.
I am able to send the query in SQL Assistant without error I am trying to send the following code to Teradata and get the error Only an AND or null statement is legal after a DDL statement. With other SQL clients, the song works fine. I also tried to set the TMODE=TERA extended JDBC properties for the connection profile. It did it for me for everyone who still faces the problem. I am able to read data. However, when writing data to the Teradata database, I get the following error: registered users can ask their own questions, contribute to discussions, and be part of the community! If this works, the problem lies in the ID in quotation marks. Change the line where you connect to something like: I tried to include the DSS comment string to force split, but I still get the error.