Legal Double Jumps in Checkers
Similar to chess, when a normal man reaches the opposite end of the chessboard (called the «King`s Row»), he is promoted to King. Kings can move or catch backwards or forwards, but behave in the same way as men: the rule of «flying kings» is not present in Standard Queen. If a player promotes a man to king by jumping into the king`s row, the turn ends as soon as the man is king, although the king must jump further in the next turn if a legal jump is available. The tactic known as the «in-and-out shot» takes advantage of this rule and forces one side to jump into the king`s line and then exit immediately, setting up a series of jumps for the other side. Players who have the ability to skip an opponent`s piece should make the move instead of moving another piece. The only time this is not true is when there is more than one opportunity to skip a coin when it is a player`s turn. In this case, players can only choose between these possible jumps instead of moving a new character or avoiding the jump. If one of the opponent`s pieces is next to a piece and an empty space is on the other side, jump your opponent and remove his piece. You can make multiple jumps if they are facing forward. Note: If you have a jump, you have no choice but to do it.
Now the king can move back and forth, but always diagonally. For this reason, kings are appreciated because they offer more opportunities to conquer the opponent`s pieces. There is no limit to the number of crowned kings a player can have. A king can only capture one piece per jump, but can capture more than one piece if the landing site offers a new capture opportunity. The king can move both backwards and forwards in a sequence of jumps. Note that if one or more jumps are possible after a player has made a single jump or capture, he or she must all make those jumps on the same turn. The red king at the top right of the board can double-jump the two green pieces by following the arrows. Both jumps are backwards. The red diamond can double the two greens on the left by following the arrows.
Both jumps are progressing. He cannot skip the first green checkerboard on the left, then follow the line, skip the other green checkerboard on the right and land on the X. The second jump moves backwards, which a normal room cannot. As shown in the images above (taken from Jim Loy`s Checkers pages), a legal jump is only possible if the space immediately behind the opposing piece is empty. All jumps are forced in checkers, including jumps that catch more than one piece (Figure 4), but if more than one jump is possible, a player can choose the jump they want to make. The forced jump rule forms the basis of all tactics in drafts, as it allows a player to control the pace of the game and therefore the position on the board. A women`s double jump is simply defined as a move in which two jumps are performed consecutively in a single turn. The end result of this single move is that a player can catch two of the opponent`s checkers at the same time.
A double ladies` jump is possible if, after a single jump leading to a stroke, the same queen piece is able to make another hold. This subsequent movement can be along the same diagonal direction or move in a different direction. Yes. If a double jump is available, you cannot stop after the first one. Jumping is mandatory for women, including doubles. In the image above, the red kings can not stop after the first jump, because another jump is possible, so the second must also be performed. The red king at the bottom left can double the two green figures on the left, just like the normal figure in the first image. Both jumps are forward. He can also make a double jump by taking the first green coin on the left (moving forward), then jumping the other green coin on the right (backwards). The jump is one of only two possible movements in a game of drafts. While a single jump is indeed a good move and can effectively reduce your opponent`s number of checkers pieces when performed repeatedly, a double checkers jump is even more impressive and can be particularly devastating to your opponent`s game strategy.
This is when a player jumps twice in a row on a turn. It is a back-to-back jump that counts as only one movement. Figure 1 shows the basic starting point of a checkers game: each player has twelve pieces arranged on the dark diagonals of an 8×8 square board. This example uses the official ACF colors (green and buff squares with red and white parts), but other composites use different colors. In addition, most checkers sold in the United States use black and red coins and squares. Regardless of the color scheme used, dark pieces (red here) move first. Normal queens («male») can only move one square diagonally forward (Figure 2) and catch only forward («jump»). An exception is if you have the ability to jump in different directions. If one way is a single jump and the other is a double jump, you don`t need to do the double jump.
A jump is mandatory, but, of course, you can not go in two directions at the same time. In this case, you can choose the direction you want to take. Here`s an example: players can only jump over one character in a turn, but if the landing position immediately offers another jumping opportunity, the player must grab it and jump further until captures are no longer possible. If this causes a player to jump several times and conquer several pieces of the opponent, it will be considered very valuable (in fact, this is the life of the lady`s dream). Yes. Just like a normal room, a king can jump twice. You can do it forward, backward or with one of any direction. The following illustration shows an example. Not with a normal part, as shown in the example above. You can jump back twice with a king. (see next question) In the image above, when it is the turn of red to move, red can make the double jump to the left or the single jump to the right. Note that both options jump forward, so if the Red Kings were normal pieces instead, you could make the same jumps with them.
Most draught variants allow players to perform double or triple jump movements. The only limitation for a multiple jump move is that you have to do it with the same queen piece. Single or multiple jumping movements with two different parts are not allowed. In Russian Checkers, one of the checkers variants of the game, queen kings are allowed to jump in the direction of each square, even if only one of the opponent`s checkers pieces is trapped, as long as the movement is performed diagonally. In this situation, the opponent`s queen figure doesn`t have to be right next to the king, and even the square the king lands on doesn`t have to be right next to the captured queen figure. Yes. The most basic form of double jump is performed with a normal piece. These pieces can only move diagonally forward, so the double jump must also go in that direction. In the following image, you can see an example of this as well as a double jump, which is not allowed.
(The picture goes up) Yes. Both types of coins – regular and king – can be double jump. The two jumped men can be the same or there can be one of them. The following image shows some examples. In drafts, a double jump is just one type of multiple jump. All these moves allow the player to catch more than one checkers piece from the opposing player. Just as a move that catches two of your opponent`s barrage pieces in a single turn is called a double jump, a move that catches three of the opposing player`s barrage pieces in a single turn is called a triple jump, and so on.